Sunday, August 24, 2014


August ... the month of new beginnings. However, it is not entirely new. Follow your dreams, it's not easy. Everything hard And sometimes I need to cry about it. Start a new lesson, welcome new people, new places. I am a woman with many dreams I want to accomplish in life. But my dream did some changes with the time. Grow up and take responsibility is bigger dreams. But I was ready to admit it to a bright future. I'm tired of it But when thinking of analogue and in the days ahead, then, I was ready to get up and fight again .....

This month is the first month of the semester. Glad to be back doing what I love.

Been at home for two months ago .. I would rather live as a woman at home doing housework, cooking, baking, driving and caring for animals, but I'm very happy to spend time with family. Although my parents have worked very hard. And met only after work. And holidays only...good to be back home again

Here are some flashbacks of the last few days . . .

